• Editor
  • Hot key to zoom in or Zoom out

For now my mouse scroll has been death, Is there any hot key which I can use to zoom in zoom out instead.
For example in photoshop I can zoom in or out by 10% with each time I press "Ctr and +" or "Ctr and -".

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Yes, Spine provides several alternatives to using the mouse scroll wheel for zooming in and out. Here are some options:

  1. Zoom Drag Hotkey: You can use the Zoom Drag hotkey. By default, this is mapped to the U key. Hold U and drag with the left mouse button to zoom in and out.

  2. Zoom Move Hotkey: You can also use the Zoom Move hotkey. If you map this to a key (e.g., U), you can hold that key and move your mouse up or down to zoom without needing to click.

  3. Ctrl + Right Mouse Button: Hold Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) and drag the right mouse button up or down to zoom.

  4. Zoom Slider: Use the vertical zoom slider located in the lower left of the viewport. Dragging the slider will adjust the zoom level.

  5. Zoom to Fit: Press Ctrl+Shift+F (or Cmd+Shift+F on Mac) to adjust the zoom level so the skeleton fills the viewport.

  6. Zoom to 100%: Press Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on Mac) to zoom to 100%, making images appear at their actual size.

Here is a summary of the hotkeys:

  • Zoom Drag: U + left mouse button drag
  • Zoom Move: Customizable, e.g., U + move mouse up/down
  • Ctrl + Right Mouse Button: Drag up/down
  • Zoom to Fit: Ctrl+Shift+F (or Cmd+Shift+F on Mac)
  • Zoom to 100%: Ctrl+F (or Cmd+F on Mac)

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Spine User Guide on Zooming.