@korhanmaden terribly sorry for the delay, I was out all week!
Have you tried an older 4.1 editor version, e.g. 4.1.10?

Also, and this may sound stupid, have you tried turning your Mac off and on again? Other users have reported a similar issue a few months ago, and that has resolved the issue for them.
My guess currently is that this is a GPU driver bug, at least it's indicated in the logs that it happens in the lower layers of the OpenGL emulation. As such, I'm unsure what we can do on our end to resolve the issue.
Another thing we could try is to delete your settings and preferences files in this folder.

E.g. backup, then delete: /Users/<your-user-name>/Library/Application Support/Spine
Make a backup of the folder, delete it, then start Spine again and try to run 4.1. If that works, please send us your preferences and settings. If it doesn't work then I have to figure out something else.