Hello Spine forum, first time here, but long time on Spine 😉
I'm working some weeks on an 8-direction character creation that can be fully skin customizable. And I would love to achieve this thing:
Let's say: I have a face (character Body) that is illustrated in 8 different directions "different sprites" (N-NE-E-SE...) And I apply on the top of the character's face a skin (hemet) which is also illustrated in each 8 directions on different sprites ((N-NE-E-SE...).
Is there a way to link or attach on (Animation Mode) the current direction of the face (right direction E "east") to the corresponding skin direction needed (helmet East)?
-I could achieve this if I carefully Key on animation times the needed direction for the skin, but I would love to have this automatically updated, so "when I turn the head direction sprite" on animation I need Spine to automatically turn the helmet direction sprite that corresponds. To save animation times.

Many Thanks.