park1654 Hi, Whenever I enter the mesh trace, Spine keeps loading, but doesn't seems to give me any result.  I think it was not supposed to be this slow when tracing around the png file, any ideas how to solve the issue? Thanks in advance!
park1654 Nate Sure! I've sent the email with the title "[park1654] Images regarding the Spine mesh trace problem" Thanks!
Misaki park1654 Thank you for sending the images. I was able to reproduce the issue of the tracing taking quite a long time. We will investigate the cause and will let you know if we find out anything.
Nate Thanks for letting us know about the problem! Spine shouldn't be taking forever to trace. Your images has pixels like this: Loading Image Spine has to trace around all those "islands" of pixels, then connect them, then trace around that. It's actually pretty complex to come up with a mesh hull with few vertices. Having such a huge number of "islands" is a problem. We've improved it in 4.2 so tracing completes in a reasonable amount of time. Until 4.2 you'll have to create the mesh vertices manually.