I've been trying for a while but I can't seem to get Spine working in Unreal Engine 5. I've tried both the 4.1 branch and the 4.2 beta branch.

I've followed the instructions UE4 Runtime instructions which works fine for UE4 but give the below error for UE5. I've tried with both UE5.0.3 and UE5.1.1.

I've seen on other posts that people have it working so I have no idea what's going wrong. Any help would be appreciated...

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Just to make sure: you did create a C++ UE project, and you modified your Build.cs file to include the plugin in the PublicDependencyModuleNames?

Finally managed to get it working! Unfortunately I did a couple of things so I'm not sure which one it was that finally caused it to work. I think #1 is what fixed it but putting the other two just in case:

1) Install the latest version of Dotnet Runtime Link from Epic
2) Start with a blank project, not one of the pre-made ones like top-down or shooter.
3) Make sure "SpinePlugin" goes before "InputCore" in the PublicDependancyModuleNames

Glad you got it working. I think the pre-made projects are not C++ projects, which would explain why it doesn't work. It is however weird that you have to put SpinePlugin before InputCore.

2 months later

Hi, I am having the same issue, but I cannot seem to start the project at all. I did all of the steps, and nothing works. I make a new C++ project, edit the PublicDependancyModuleNames, but it doesn't seem to work. I tried all 3 steps above as well, but doesn't work

Any ideas?

Mario is unavailable for a little while. Unfortunately he has most of our UE5 knowledge! I'm afraid I'm not of much use here. Mario can help out as soon as he's back. Otherwise it may be helpful to ask on the UE forums. I can't tell if the problem is specific to Spine or something more general to UE project setup.

10 days later

Did you copy the sources of the plugin and spine-cpp?

4 months later

Hi, I'm evaluating the product, but I need to know if Spine is still not officially supporting UE5? What is the situation?

    PinoDF Yeah OP here - it works perfectly fine just gotta follow the instructions and make sure all the dependencies are installed.

    9 days later

    Hello everyone! I'm having issues with the Unreal Engine 5.3 version.

    I've done all the instructions mentioned above by Mohawesome.
    But I'm still getting the compiled error. Even tried to open the example project without success.

    Can anyone help me out? Or it does not support UE5.3? I'm installing 5.2 at the moment to test if it opens.

    Thank you for your time!

    9 days later

    Please post the error you get.

    @Mario Hi there! I am also getting an error when trying to import the PlugIn into UE 5.3. Here is the exact error.
    I have copied the Plugins folder into my project, made sure the spine-cpp file is in the plugins public source file, and added "SpinePlugin" into my publicdependencies.

    Looks like the main issue is that it does not recognize UBodySetup in line 152 in the SpineSkeletonRendererComponent.cpp
    Hope this provides enough information

    Sadly, UE 5.3 broke a lot of things, including asset imports. I've filed an issue with Epic Games, we'll see how that goes.

    I'll investigate the compilation error, though I don't see it on macOS. I'll try on Windows.

      H3LLOH3NRY No, the spine-ue4 runtime works on UE 5.2. At least the error as reported by Dg2134 has not been identified in UE 5.2.

      What the reason behind needing to now add Spineplugin to the Build.cs?
      I don't remember having to do this before.

        H3LLOH3NRY It is not a recently added requirement; it has always been required to install the spine-ue4 runtime. Adding SpinePlugin to PublicDependencyModuleNames in your project's Build.cs file allows you to add the runtime into your project as a plugin. If you have never done that step before, I guess you may have started your project from the example project at that time.