谢谢你用实际的图片分享你的情况。然而,我刚刚在我的终端上用Spineboy试了一下,它成功地进行了unpremultiply alpha,所以我想它应该能工作。
Thank you for sharing your situation with the actual images. However, I just tried it with Spineboy on my end and it successfully performed the unpremultiply alpha, so I think it should work.
The command you tried seems correct, but if I may be so bold, is it possible that the folders you are checking are different? If that is not a possibility, could you please email us the texture and the texture atlas so that we can reproduce the problem?: contact@esotericsoftware.com
谢谢你发送你的文件! 很抱歉我没有告诉你一个非常重要的问题。从4.0开始,图集(文本文件)中多了一行关于PMA的内容,如果没有这一行,Spine就不能确定纹理是否为PMA。因此,为了正确执行unpremply alpha,你需要在filter:

Thank you for sending your files! I'm sorry I haven't told you a very important point. There is an additional line about pma in the atlas (text file) since 4.0, and Spine can not determine whether the texture was PMA or not without that line. Therefore, to correctly perform unpremultiply alpha, you need to add the following line under filter:
The correct state will look like the screenshot below:

I manually added this line to the atlas you sent us and was able to unpack the texture correctly, so please try the above.