@jyou 感谢你的报告,我们终于能够重现这个问题。 问题似乎是,默认情况下,"; "被分配了一个热键来减少画笔的大小,但使用这个热键后,画笔的显示仍然存在。
Thanks to your report, I was finally able to reproduce the problem. The problem seems to be that ";" is assigned a hotkey to decrease the size of the brush by default, but the display of the brush size remains after using this hotkey.

This problem can be reproduced in the latest beta version(4.1.26-beta), so we would like to fix it in a future version.
I'm afraid that we can not fix 3.8, but there is a workaround. It seems to be fixed by opening the Mesh Tools view. Alternatively, if you don't use brushes often, you can edit the hotkeys.txt to remove the hotkey assignments to prevent it from happening again.
I have created an issue ticket for this:
We've fixed it in 4.1.27-beta and it has been released. Please update and check if the issue is solved.