So, I have this in the Editor...:

If I disable this option, each time I change the animation on the third track, the skeleton seems to 'empty mix' to setup position, even when both animations are literally the same. I don't need to say that's ugly as hell.
But if I leave it enabled, there is no empty mix, just some delay in the loop, as if both animations are being mixed between themselves, not a third empty one. Much prettier.
However, I can't find a way to replicate this in Unity.
If I avoid setting an empty mix animation, the second animation snaps from frame 0 onwards, without any kind of mixing with the previous one. As if I'm just setting the animation with 0 mix time.
This is what I'm running when setting the next animation without an empty mix...:
TrackEntry entrysetnoemptymix = skeleton.state.SetAnimation(track.Value, animationName.Value, loop.Value);
entrysetnoemptymix.TimeScale = timeScale.Value;
entrysetnoemptymix.TrackTime = startTime.Value;
entrysetnoemptymix.Alpha = alpha.Value;
It always snaps... :rolleyes:
Edit: I forgot to mention the "small" fact that I'm running this from a PlayMaker action, which derives from HutongGames.PlayMaker.FsmStateAction, not MonoBehaviour. So it doesn't seem I can use commands like Invoke, which I've seen mentioned in this other post: How to control mixing between animations?
Also, I've set a default empty mix of zero in the SkeletonDataAsset.
Edit2: Ah, and I'm using Spine 3.8