Thank you for your reply and support.
Manually setting mipmap levels of a texture should work as mentioned in the article you mentioned. Are you sure that your
modified texture is used at the Spine SkeletonAnimation material?
Yes. After continuing the investigation, I confirmed that the manual allocation of mipmap was successful. Details will be described later.
Does it work if you do not use a SkeletonAnimation component but instead draw the modified mipmap texture on a quad?
I'm sorry. I couldn't understand the "quad" you pointed out and the specific steps in this process.
Is it pointing to whether or not mipmap can be displayed with normal TextureType: Sprite (2D & UI), not SkeletonAnimation?
Apart from that, have you tried different mipmap bias values at the Texture, e.g. -1 as well instead of 0 and 0.5?
I tried it. But the image was still blurry and didn't produce satisfactory results.
■Mipmapの手動割当とPremultiply Alphaついて
About manual allocation of Mipmap and Premultiply Alpha
Straight Alpha と Premultiply Alpha(PMA) の設定が衝突していることが原因のように思えました。
In my investigation, I found this problem was not in mipmap
It seemed to be due to a conflict between the settings of Straight Alpha and Premultiply Alpha (PMA).
In fact, the manual mipmap allocation seems to succeed.

Colored for clarity.
When the camera zooms, you can see that it has switched to the manually set green mipmap.
However, it has the same symptoms as "BLEEDING INTO TRANSPARENT AREAS" in the above URL.

その画像は通常はUnityのアトラスではなく、通常のpng画像としてインポートされてしまうので、Premultiply Alphaとして扱われていないように見えます。
それをmipmapとして、PMAのアトラスに上書きしたため、PMAの中にStraight Alphaの画像が混じってしまい、それが表示された時、設定の食い違いから「BLEEDING INTO TRANSPARENT AREAS」が出現してしまうように感じました。
この推測は正しいでしょうか? ご意見をお聞かせください。
This time, mipmap manual allocation uses the png image output from Spine after reducing it in Photoshop.
The image doesn't seem to be treated as a Premultiply Alpha because it's usually imported as a regular png image, not a Unity atlas.
Since it was overwritten on the PMA's atlas as a mipmap, the image of Straight Alpha was mixed in the PMA, and when it was displayed, it seemed that "BLEEDING INTO TRANSPARENT AREAS" would appear due to the discrepancy in the settings. It was.
Is this guess correct? Please let us know what you think.
How to manually overwrite mipmap in PMA?
If the above assumptions are correct, the problem is likely to be solved if either of the following two can be realized.
-Make png atlas reduced in photoshop PMA on Unity (However, since it is reduced after multiplying by alpha, it is still unknown whether the part of the multiplied alpha works correctly)
-Output atlas of different resolutions that can be assigned to mipmaps in Spine (PMA must be maintained and the position of each part must match exactly between resolutions)
レンダリング速度を速くしたいので、可能であれば Straight ではなく PMA 形式で実装したいです。
But I don't know how.
I want to speed up the rendering, so I would like to implement it in PMA format instead of Straight if possible.
Is the above guess correct, and if so, please give me a way to fix it.
Thank you for your cooperation.